Business Plan For Co-Working Space in Tashkent

Abdullah Green
2 min readApr 27, 2020

Just submitted a business paper for University. It was a 30-page business plan for a new co-working space in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Marketing plan. Company structure. Industry analysis. Market analysis. Legal issues. Financial projections. And business plan is ready [it took me 2 weeks to finish].

That being said, I still think that Uzbek market [=demand] is not fully ready for this product yet. Maybe it is, who knows.

I roughly calculated initial costs to start-up the business and came up with this number: $132,000.

Not a big sum for a business like that. It will be a large 2-storey office space. We will rent it. Furnish it. Design it. It would be a perfect place for any type of FREELANCERS: tutors, programmers, copywriters, architects, designers… anybody who “exports” their services abroad. I would literally call this place “Freelancer hub”.

Now this paper is submitted for grading to Bolton University. It is a part of my Masters degree [I am finishing Masters this August, by the way].

Regardless what grade I am going to get for it, I have learnt a few good things from writing this business plan. Maybe this experience will even help me get REAL funding for my real company some day 😉



Abdullah Green

IT Project Manager at Amazon. Educated in Czechia and England. Enthusiastic about Business, Islam, and Technologies. Currently living in Prague.