Head of IT department

Abdullah Green
1 min readSep 29, 2020

“You can start from today,” said the CEO of the FinTech company, after interviewing me for 2 hours in his office.

“What position am I going to hold?” I asked.

“Head of IT department.”

It was my first interview in Uzbekistan since I came back from Europe. We signed the paperwork the same day. Got employed at the company with 2-month probation period.

“But before taking complete responsibility for the department, you will be learning from my current head of IT,” explained the CEO. “and it will take roughly one year until you take full responsibilities as the head of my IT.”

The first 2 months is probation period. Within 2 months if they decide that I am not good enough, I will leave without holding grudges. The same goes the other way. If I decide I dont want to work here, they will let me go with no problems too.

The good thing about this job and company is that it is almost exactly what I was trained for at Universities in the last 7 years: IT and Business Management.

Besides, Fintech is the sphere that has potential to benefit the whole population of Uzbekistan. So I can bring value to a lot of people in my country [also Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia].

I have been working here for 2 weeks already. So far I like the job. Good colleagues. Smart boss. Relatively nice office [both location and building].

So far so good [alhamdulillah].



Abdullah Green

IT Project Manager at Amazon. Educated in Czechia and England. Enthusiastic about Business, Islam, and Technologies. Currently living in Prague.